Dengue fever

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan



A 16 year old male patient came to casuality on 26 th October with cheif complaints of fever with chills since 5 days.

** Cheif complaints

Weakness since 8days

Fever since 5days

Abdominal pain since 2days 

Vomiting since 2days

**History of presenting illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 days ago then he developed weakness for 3 days ,on third day he went to swim in near by lake despite of his weakness after that day he developed fever with chills without rigors and releived by medication and

abdominal pain ( intermittent and squeezing type) since 2 days not associated with any distention, diarrhoea

Vomiting since 2 days after meals, non bilious,non projectile 

Leg pains were present two days back for three days 

And he was complaining of chest tightness while eating ,no history of breathlessness 

No history of blood in stools or black stools 

**Past history:-

History of fever for 7 days  at age of 14  and diagnosed as typhoid used medication for 7 days 

No history of epilepsy 

No history  diabetes , hypertension, thyroid 

No significant surgical history

**Personal history:-


Appetite- normal but unable to eat due to chest tightness 

Bowel and bladder Movements- patient complains of burning micturition since two days , narmal bowel movements ,no h/o constipation ,melena ,blood in stools 

No know allergies 

No history of addictions 

**Family history 

His father had fever since one day 

No other significant family history


Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative 

Moderately built and moderately nourished  

pallor absent

Icterus absent 

cyanosis absent

clubbing absent 

 lymphadenopathy absent

 edema absent


Pulse- 73 BPM 

Temp- afebrile

Rr : 20 


Blood pressure -120/80

**Systemic examination  

CVS: S1 and S2 are heard ,no murmurs are heard 

Respiratory system:- 

Position of trachea is central

Vesicular breath sounds are heard 

Abdominal examination:-

Shape of abdomen is scaphoid 

No tenderness 

No palpable masses 



Narmal speech 

No neck stiffness 

All reflexes are intact 

*Provisional diagnosis:- Dengue


Liver, spleen, pancreas are normal

Mild ascites seen in USG 

Gall bladder wall is edematous

        On 26-10-2021 6 pm
Hemogram showed:-
-Reduced total leucocyte count
-Reduced neutrophils
-increased lymphocytes
-MCV and MCH are decreased
-reduced platelet count
                     On 27-10-2021 6:00 am
Hemogram showed:-
Narmal TLC
-reduced neutrophils 
-increased lymphocytes
-reduced platelet count
-reduced MCV and MCH
        On 26-10-2021
Dengue NS 1 antigen is reactive 
On 27-10-2021 6:00 pm 
-low TLC 
- there is no neutropenia 
-lymphocytosis can be seen 
-mcv and mch are reduced 
- rbc count increased 
-platelet count reduced 

     SGOT and SGPT are raised
     ALP also raised
   Urine examination results are normal
1)ivf - normal saline and ringer lactate(75 ml /hour) 

2)inj - pan 40 mg /w/od

3)inj optneuron  1 amp in 100 ml ns iv/od
4) inj zofer 4 mg iv/bd

5) Bp ,RR ,spo2 monitoring 4th hourly
6)strict I/O monitoring

7)GRBS monitoring at 8 am in the morning 
8) inform sos 

9) inj TAXIM 1 g iv / od
10) tab.doxycyclin 


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